Sign up today for the healthcare and social care orientation programme

Discover, develop and strengthen your position in the labor market. Learn along with others during this orientation programme, and become familiar with a wide range of healthcare and social care professions. Best of all, the only thing it will cost is a little bit of your time.

Sign up today for the healthcare and social care orientation programme

Discover, develop and strengthen your position in the labor market. Learn along with others during this orientation programme, and become familiar with a wide range of healthcare and social care professions. Best of all, the only thing it will cost is a little bit of your time.

Sign up now

Fill in your details below to start on your healthcare and social care orientation programme journey. Ready to dress for success?

It is not possible to sign up for now.

Discover your perfect fit

Now is the time to dress for success for a job in healthcare or social care. Sign up for the free orientation today.

The benefits:

  • No experience necessary and retraining is possible
  • Finding a match between your talents and the right health care or social care job means greater happiness at work
  • The orientation programme is free for a limited time (normally €1800)!

Our partners

We believe in the importance of healthcare and social care. Because what kind of world is it if we don’t care for each other?

These sectors are diverse, with many different branches, types of clients, functions and training. In order to provide you with the broadest possible orientation programme, these partners have joined forces with 24 regional healthcare institutions.

IN Amsterdam

In cooperation with IN Amsterdam, ROC van Amsterdam, Hogeschool van Amsterdam and House of Skills, the Regional Work Centre for Greater Amsterdam finances the Orientation Programme Healthcare and Socialcare for internationals with residence in Greater Amsterdam. This programme introduces the Dutch healthcare sector and network to internationals and includes different levels of Dutch language training.

Our partners

We believe in the importance of healthcare and social care. Because what kind of world is it if we don’t care for each other?

These sectors are diverse, with many different branches, types of clients, functions and training. In order to provide you with the broadest possible orientation programme, these partners have joined forces with 24 regional healthcare institutions.

IN Amsterdam

In cooperation with IN Amsterdam, ROC van Amsterdam, Hogeschool van Amsterdam and House of Skills, the Regional Work Centre for Greater Amsterdam finances the Orientation Programme Healthcare and Socialcare for internationals with residence in Greater Amsterdam. This programme introduces the Dutch healthcare sector and network to internationals and includes different levels of Dutch language training.